As energy advocates, The Power Company specializes in finding the best, custom energy pricing for our customers. Our experience and industry standing with numerous suppliers save our customers time and money.
Who does The Power Company benefit?
Any business (Commercial Entities) or residential energy user in the United States and abroad, small and large, that want to reduce their energy costs.
Will the reliability of my electric or natural gas service change?
Regardless of which energy provider we help you choose, your electricity and natural gas will continue to be delivered safely and reliably by the local utility company, a company still regulated by the Public Utility Commission in your state.
What happens if I have an emergency or power outage?
Your local wires company is still responsible for the maintenance and repair of the poles and wires. You will call them in the event of an emergency or outage at the number provided on your bill. Utilities are required to respond with equal attention to all of their customers, regardless of the supplier.
Why does The Power Company need a copy of my bill?
Providing your Energy Advisor with a copy of your bill allows us to look up your historic energy usage information. This information is what the suppliers will analyze in order to decide what rates they will offer in their bids. Your bill does not contain any personal information.
Will I see any changes in billing?
In almost all cases, you will still receive only one bill from your same utility company with your new lower rate.
What is the risk to me?
If you wait too long to lock in a price, rates may increase. Lock in your rate today and enroll with The Power Company.
Why can’t I negotiate prices on my own?
You can. It’s likely that you won’t get the best price. We hear this all of the time: “I’ll just get three quotes and go with the best one.” A lot of people have used that strategy, without successfully negotiating the best price. There are several reasons why:
First, they didn’t know what to ask for. There are a lot of different plans available, and it’s vital to pick the plan that works best for your energy use profile. If you do not choose the right plan for your business, then no price is the right price. Many companies only work with components of the supply charges. The Power Company works to lock in a low rate on ALL of your supply charges.
Second, energy bids aren’t like bidding on E-Bay. Each provider has its own rules and requirements. It’s a lot of work…more so if you don’t know the industry. Much learning is involved if you don’t have the experience. Auditing and coordinating bids takes the work of several trained staff with years of experience…and our staff is very good at what they do.
Third, we bring thousands of customers to the table. Suppliers work harder for us because they want to stay in our competitive pool.
Fourth, this is all we do. We work with suppliers to make sure that they are providing the most competitive bid for you. This allows you to focus on your business while we focus on reducing your energy costs.
Fifth, we know what we’re being offered, and which options really are the best. You’ll rarely see an apples-to-apples comparison, so you need to know how to compare an apple to an orange.
What happens if I cancel my contract early or sell my business?
Just like service providers used elsewhere in your business, most supplier contracts contain an Early Termination Fee. We recommend contacting your sales representative, or our customer service team, to help you navigate any changes to your service needs.
What happens if my energy provider stops serving customers?
If this were to take place, you would not be without energy. Your energy supplier must give you advanced notice to select a new supplier.
However, if you do not choose a new energy provider, your service will automatically be switched to another supplier for your area.
The Power Company would again assist you in finding another service supplier with equally competitive rates.
What has stayed the same in electric and natural gas service with deregulation?
Your current local utility continues to deliver electricity and natural gas to your business, and still responds to service interruptions, and continues to maintain the poles, wires, and pipelines. You will continue to receive the same reliable service you are used to with your local utility company, regardless of which energy provider from which you receive service.
It’s helpful to think of electricity and natural gas deregulation as the deregulation that occurred several years ago in the long-distance telephone service market. Consumers now have the power to choose the long-distance carrier of their own liking.
However, regardless of which long-distance carrier they choose, their phone lines are still provided and serviced by the same local phone company.
What has changed in electric and natural gas service with deregulation?
You can now choose to buy your energy from a different supplier than the original supplier for your area. These companies are called Retail Electric Suppliers. The Power Company has strong relationships with 30+ suppliers who compete for your business so we are able to provide you with extremely competitive rates.

Contact The Power Company
For questions regarding Deregulated Energy, saving money on your electrical bill, or how to switch to a more competitive energy supplier, please contact us today.